Questions you might ask

Only accredited investors can invest in ICAREUM. If you are not an accredited investor, you can obtain accreditation through us [link-waitlist]. According to Reg D Rule 506(c), each investor must be accredited, meaning they must have a declared annual income exceeding $200,000 ($300,000 if filing jointly with a spouse) for the past two years, or have a net worth exceeding $1 million, excluding the value of their primary residence. This must be verified through tax or accounting documents.

Yes, we accept cryptocurrency payments. The accepted cryptocurrencies are USDT (Tether) and USDC (USD Coin).

No, you can only invest in one currency at a time. However, a currency converter is available for your convenience.

Your funds are protected through a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) and an escrow arrangement. This ensures the security of the transaction as the escrow agent, a legal professional, holds the funds and cannot release them without proper authorization. Additionally, your investment grants you a share in the company, and the funds are allocated towards acquiring assets.

The minimum investment required is $50,000.

You will start receiving profits quarterly, beginning from the second year of your investment.

Our crowdfunding platform offers a low entry barrier into the luxury real estate market. We focus on creating innovative and high-quality homes designed for the future, ensuring a profitable and sustainable investment opportunity. Our projects are backed by robust financial models and are located in prime, rapidly growing areas like Austin, Texas, which offers significant growth potential.

Yes, you can sell or redistribute your share after the first two years of ownership.

The minimum estimated return on investment (ROI) is 70% annually, based on our financial model projections.

Cash on Cash projection refers to the return on your investment based on the cash income generated by the property relative to the cash invested. This projection provides a clear picture of the profitability of the investment on a cash basis.

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